Sunday, March 8, 2015


When I research public relations writings I expect public relations practitioners to be tweeting or blogging to their employers public or customer base. They are the companies voice that they talk through to get to the audience. Some types of writing done by public relations practitioners are blogs, tweets, and emails. I do have some practice with tweeting. I have had a twitter since 2009. I have tweeted in the past and I do read tweets as well. They are tweets about my day usually, not what the publics want to read. I also have experience with  blogging. Around four years ago I opened a Tumblr account and blogged on that for the next two years. Today I do not use it as much due to my increased work load in college. I have experience with emails as well. In college the main to contact a professor is through email. Email is also a good way to branch out and make connects in areas that are not close to me. The citation formatting that I would assume is the public relation way is APA. This is because MLA is for science related films and since I switched to a communication major majority of my papers have been APA. The writing in my field is different than writing works I have done in the past. In my field majority of the written word is directed toward someone, not a broad essay. The point of a public relations announcement is to inform the public. So far in my past with writing I have only been informing my teachers of the books they assigned. This type of writing is different then what I am used to because I have to seem objective to a subject while still being persuasive to an extent. I am looking forward to this new challenge.

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