Friday, March 20, 2015

Writing in my field

For this blog post I am going to examine a piece of writing in my field which is public relations. The title of the article is SeaWorld hires Joel Manby as its new CEO by Jonathan Horn. "He has a masters from USC Annenberg School for Communication, and a bachelor's degree in communication from UC Santa Barbara.(San Diego News)" The title of the journal is UT San Diego. I originally found this article on twitter and it had a link to this article . The article explains how the movie Blackfish ruined San Diego's SeaWorld. They appointed a new CEO named Joel Manby hoping to fix this upset. He is already the CEO to multiple large companies so he should know what to do in a situation like this. The article gives examples such as, "The company this month launched a “meet the animals” series of ads, and in the coming weeks will launch another campaign aimed at improving its brand reputation. It’s also spending $300 million to improve the habitats for its killer whales.(SeaWorld Hires New CEO)" and ends it saying SeaWorld is a crucial part of the San Diego Community. This article has logos when Jonathan quotes and adds in exact numbers. It shows pathos at the end when they state that the theme park is a part of the community. Many people grew up with SeaWorld and it is a part of many lives. This article has ethos by being an article in a well known paper as well as having an author that had high degrees in his career. The author, Jonathan, does not use many text effects in his writing. The author uses strong active voice and this style is common as stated by Purdue OWL, "Active voice is used for most non-scientific writing."

1. Joanathan Horn. March 19 2015. SeaWorld Hires New CEO. UT San Diego. Retrieved from
2. April Toadvine, Allen Brizee, Elizabeth Angeli. October 12 2012. Active and Passive Voice. Purdue OWL. Retrieved from

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